We always consider how our designs look to our viewers. Do we really analyze how our copywriting speaks to them?
Let’s say we spend a considerable amount of time and money on the design and functionality of our website to pull attention and make conversions. That’s all good and well, but what if your website text is actually making you drive business with a flat tire? How do we identify if your website copy is the issue?
Are Your Viewers Questions Answered Quickly?
When we land on a website, we’re usually there for a reason. We’d like to quickly know what the business is, what they do, and more importantly – what they can do FOR us.
Ask yourself as you read your website copy: Am I getting the answers I need in under a minute? Am I having to leave the homepage to get the answers I want? Is there a chance I would misinterpret what is being offered? Am I feeling motivated and confident enough to reach out or or buy a product?
These are the aspects of website copywriting that are most important (aside from spelling errors and grammatical errors, in which case, check out Grammarly. It’s a lifesaver.)
The most common mistake we see in website copy is that a business will only mention what their company is, has, and their achievements. Cool. What’s in it for me?

What’s in it For Me? (WIIFM)
The “What’s in it For Me” method is a widely known technique used by copywriters all over the world. Even Neil Patel sees the importance of this method, and he helps companies like Amazon, GM, HP, and Viacom grow their revenue. He, among others, suggest that you apply the “So What” test to determine if you’re making a devastating mistake that many copywriters and marketers do in creating copy in an attempt to drive conversions. The “So What” test is simply reading over the copy and asking.. well.. “So What?”.
Here’s an example:
Take a Feature – “This car has ABS anti-lock brakes”.
Ask “So What?”
Find the Benefit – “You’ll have more control of your car, helping to prevent accidents.”
Ask “So What?” again to Find The Deeper Benefit – “This car will keep your family safe on the road”
The objective is to appeal emotionally and logically to who you’re talking to. When you create copy, explaining features without benefits is a big oversight.
Result: “This car features ABS anti-lock brakes to give you more control, prevent accidents, and keep you and your family safe on the road.”
Now instead of applying the method to a product, let’s apply it to a business that provides services. Here is an example of converting “we” language into “you” language. Thus, answering the question “What’s in it for me?”
At Ultra Dynamic Graphics, we are experienced professionals dedicated to providing high-quality and affordable web development. We have a long history of deliverying stellar projects to clients all over the world. We service a wide range of business sectors and we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to design and unparalled commitment to customer service.
At Ultra Dynamic Graphics, you can rely on our skillful team to build you a high-quality website that perfectly fits your style and budget. And when you work with us, you’ll join hundreds of happy customers from all over the world. Whatever business you’re in, let us show you our innovative approach to design. When it comes to customer service, you won’t find a more committed team.
If you look at the difference between those two pieces of copy, you’ll see that using “You” language is more enticing, less mundane, and more emotionally pointed at your reader. It shows them what they will get – Not just what you have.
Sometimes it’s appropriate in certain circumstances to boast your achievements, your mission, and how well your business performs and why. However, it’s usually more appropriate for an “About Us” section of a website. More often than not, if your audience was there to learn all about your company, they would likely navigate to that section on their own.
Apply It Yourself
It’s time to try these newly learned techniques on your own website. Start out by asking yourself if the “What’s in it For Me?” question has been answered when you look at your homepage. Good luck!